
First, Second, and Third John is unavailable, but you can change that!

Commenting on First John, Martin Luther made this eloquent and true statement: "This is an outstanding Epistle. It can buoy up afflicted hearts. Furthermore, it has John's style and manner of expression, so beautifully and gently does it picture Christ to us." Modern critical studies have often presented the Gospel and Epistles of John as the capstone of the development of theological and...

sin, so that its continued existence in the believer is unthinkable. Yet exist it does, even in the Christian, as 1:8 and 9 would seem to acknowledge (cf. 2:1). Nevertheless, in principle sin is conquered and must be rooted out. Neither John nor John Wesley is inclined to admit that it cannot be. Indeed, to strike a concordat with sin is to capitulate before it and to deny the effectiveness of Christ’s work as decisively as if one refuses to acknowledge sin at all. Thus John (and Wesley following
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